Tuesday, January 27, 2009

God's Compensation

This past Sunday in church we talked about how God compensates us for our trials. Looking over my life, I see how true that is. When I suffered through years of depression, God compensated me by blessing with a patient husband who was always there for me. When we have trials with our children, God compensates us by giving us unconditional love for them, as well as lessons learned. When I worry, God compensates me by giving me the knowledge that He is in control and as long as I am faithful, everything will be okay.

Now, on the lighter side, here are a few more examples.

When I am having a drive-me-crazy moment with the kids, God compensates me by helping me understand that those moments will one day fade, and He helps me to make the best of them. I'm also compensated by being able to say, "Go to your room!"

When I find another spot where my hair has thinned, I am compensated with a new wig. (Just call me a Dreamgirl:o))

When I get that rejection letter for a manuscript submission, God compensates me by increasing my determination to get it published, and gives me the opportunity to improve my writing.

When my family tracks mud through the house, God compensates me by . . . well, I don't know how I'm compensated on that one. I'm still trying to figure it out. But I know there's blessing there somewhere:o)
The point I'm trying to make is that trial is given and nothing is taken away without God giving us something back in return.
So recognize the blessings in everything.

Suggested Viewing
Movie: Amazing Grace

Amazing Grace tells the inspiring story of William Wilberforce and his passion and perseverance to pass a law ending the slave trade in the late 18th century. Several friends, including Wilberforce's minister, a reformed slave ship captain who penned the beloved hymn Amazing Grace, urge him to see the cause through.

No matter how many times I see this movie, I cry. It's an excellent one for the whole family, not to mention a great history lesson. I wish there were more movies made like this one.
Get your copy of Amazing Grace today. I promise you, you won't be disappointed.

Order you copy of The Journey today! jadamsnovels.com

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Very thoughtful, Jewel. All very good things to remember. I'm going to try and apply that in my life.